How to show a survey after a delay

Nov 08, 2023

When asking for feedback, timing is everything. You want users to actually use your app before asking them about it. A survey that pops up immediately can annoy users and receive worse responses.

To help you get feedback at the right time, this tutorial shows you how to set up a PostHog survey that shows after a delay.

Create your delayed survey

First, we create our survey in PostHog by going to the Surveys tab and clicking "New survey." Choose any template or create a blank survey, fill out the details, and open the "Targeting" section.

In the targeting section, start by switching from "All users" to "Users who match…". Under "Selector matches," add .delayed-survey (the leading period is important).

This means our survey only shows when an HTML element with the class delayed-survey is on the page. In the next step, we'll add code to only show this class after a delay. This way, our survey will show after a delay.

Finally, click "Save as draft" and then "Launch." You don’t have to worry about this survey showing early because the class selector won’t match anything until we implement it.

Implement your delayed survey

Once installed in your app, PostHog automatically shows your surveys to users when the .delayed-survey class is present. All we need to do is set up the logic to add this class to the page after a delay.

As an example, we do this in a basic Next.js app with PostHog already installed, but you can use any app or site that can run client-side JavaScript, including no-code site builders like Webflow, Framer, and Carrd.

Need help installing and setting up PostHog for Next.js? Check out our tutorial on How to set up Next.js app router analytics, feature flags, and more.

In our app directory, we create a test folder and a page.js file within it. This page will be a basic client component. We use a useEffect to set a 3000-millisecond delay, then select the h1 component and add the delayed-survey class to it. This triggers our survey to show.

// app/test/page.js
'use client'
import { useEffect } from 'react'
export default function Test() {
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
const h1 = document.querySelector('h1');
if (h1) {
}, 3000);
}, []);
return (
<h1>This is a basic Next.js page</h1>

Now, when we run npm run dev and go to http://localhost:3000/test, our survey pops up after a delay instead of right away.

Further reading